Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Two steps forward, twelve steps back.

Yet another professional telling me that there's really nothing that can be done to make life easier or help me cope better. That they don't know how I do it and they sympathize, but have no suggestions.

C'est la vie.

Can I get a refund?

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Blogger Heather said...

Oh PK....I've been a bad bloggy friend, girl.

I'm sorry that you're also struggling. With you it's your body. With me it's my brain. I totally get the refund mentality. I have so much more to say, but my readership (which includes my FOO) censors it and my bloggies only get part of the story. Suffice to say a lot of things are going against me...some my fault and many not.


Don't they say somewhere that "this too shall pass?" My question is when?

5:23 PM  

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