Thursday, May 08, 2008


Hmmm, maybe I could just ship the kids off somewhere for a week or two?

The whiny, argumentative, meltdown-prone, uncooperative, can't-get-along-with-each-other, hitting/pushing/screaming, I-just-want-Daddy, sweet little darlings that I came home to and don't have the energy to deal with in the engaged, interactive, high-energy, extra-nurturing way that they need right now.

Somehow I thought that being away for several days and having lots of opportunity to rest while gone might actually be helpful. I enjoyed my trip and I'm really glad that I got to see my sister. But boy am I tired now. And the kids have been acting out like crazy ever since I got back.

Trying to recover from both mono and a cross-continental trip, on top of everything else, is not that easy. Especially when the kids really need me to have more, not less, energy than usual--and I just don't have it.

All I really want to do right now is hide in a cave and sleep for a year.
