Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Prank Calls?

10:15PM--Male who sputtered and choked (while I said, "Hello? Hello? Who is this? What did you say?") until he finally gained composure enough to identify himself as Santa Claus. I couldn't think what to say, so responded with only silence until he hung up.

11:15PM--Female who said, "I can see you." DH's only response was to hang up.

Why do kids think this sort of thing is even funny??? Especially that late in the evening. I thought about lecturing them, but figured that probably a non-response was the best response. That and tracing the phone call through the phone company's reporting system, which I did.

We quite frequently get calls that involve silence and then hanging up, but this was unusual. The fact that they called us twice in one night seems to make it a bit less likely that it was somebody just calling random numbers.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably more appropriate for obscene phone calls, but you can always keep a really loud whistle by the phone and whistle sweet nothings in their ear the next time they call, if you get my drift. Although, this probably wouldn't work too well if the kids are in bed at that time. --Kathy J.

9:25 AM  
Blogger ccw said...

Sorry the calls disturbed you but I have to say the fact that my kids will never be able to prank call people makes me a bit sad. I just remember how much fun we used to have doing this.

10:36 AM  

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