Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting ready for the cleaners

Approximately 8:30AM:

desk before

counters before

corner before

A few hours later:

desk after

counters after

corner after

The cleaners did not do all that picking up and decluttering. I did. (DH did the dishes and picked up before that, too, especially upstairs.) The cleaners just wipe down surfaces; we have to put away our own stuff, of course. The house as a whole still wasn't nearly as picked-up as I would have liked, but at least I got it to the "it's not ideal, but it'll have to do" stage.

I love having the cleaners come, but I always end up completely worn out just from getting ready for them. I'm starting to wonder if it's really worth the recovery time of the next few days or a week from me overdoing it trying to get ready for the cleaners. The surfaces still have to be cleared off before they can clean them, and DH's idea of getting ready for the cleaners is not quite the same as mine, exactly. [insert wry grin here] But imagine what the house would look like if the cleaners weren't coming every two weeks!

I tried to do too much in the last few days, and then I really overdid it today. I hate it when the pain and fatigue reaches this level. I'm going to bed as soon as DH gets home. At least we have leftovers to eat for supper. And the kids are playing happily in a blanket tent in the playroom. Maybe I'll post pictures of the tent tomorrow, if it's still up.

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Blogger Rev Dr Mom said...

Does having to clean up for the cleaners help things stay less cluttered long term? That's the important thing to me--if you weren't doing that would stuff just keep piling up?

For me, having someone come in to clean is a double bonus because I have to deal with clutter every two weeks and I can't let it go. And I can't believe how much more peaceful I feel at home as a result (after years of saying that clutter didn't bother me!)

9:42 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Yes, RevDrMom, exactly! If we didn't have to pick up for the cleaners we'd be drowning in clutter again.

Now, if we could just get a handle on keeping the clutter from piling up in the first place, and keep up with it well enough that we weren't doing the stash-and-dash . . .

10:09 AM  

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