Kids and More Kids

Things are getting back to normal around here. The girls had a few rough days after my trip, but that was to be expected after having me sick and then gone for a while. Things have gone much more smoothly the last few days.
AWANA is done for the season. Both kids accomplished so much. M&M went from not wanting to participate at all, to loving it and being an important contribution to her team at the AWANA Olympic games. AJ was recognized as clubber of the year for her Sparks team. When she got her award they praised her heart for the Lord, her diligence in learning verses, her good sportsmanship, her enthusiasm, and her loving kindness toward everyone around her.
The teachers told us that they really appreciated both girls' enthusiastic participation, attitudes and diligence, and that they were well-liked by the teachers and the other kids. That was great to hear--especially after their difficult start and AJ's struggles with social skills, etc. last fall. All three kids are doing so well now.
I'm slowly regaining my strength and energy. I'm still having to be very careful how I budget my energy, but there is a little more of it. Yesterday and today I didn't hit the wall until mid-afternoon (around 3:30)--a great improvement over feeling like I was completely drained by midmorning or lunchtime at the latest. I even had the energy to do a few chores around the house in addition to helping the kids with their school. I'm so happy to see that improvement.
We are just finishing up our unit on Russia and getting ready to start studying Great Britain. There are some great books to go along with the UK. We just started reading Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess for our bedtime story. I'd forgotton how exceptionally well-written that book is. The kids were captured from page one. Of course, it doesn't hurt that it's about a little girl their age who loves to read and daydream a lot, just like them. :)
Labels: just life, kid stuff, snap happy
I love that book. LOVE IT.
You should read it yourself first, of course, but The Sirens Wailed by Noel Streatfeild is an excellent book re: England during WWII (children evacuated to the country during the blitz). If it's too intense, Party Shoes (also by Noel Streatfeild) is lighter (family puts on a pageant in a small village during the war, and everybody in the village is drafted to help).
Tess read that book and watched the movie last year. We all love it. Such a touching and empowering story.
Glad to hear you are having more energy.
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