J's Birthday Party, by AJ

AJ has been doing a unit this week on the writing process. She started with brainstorming ideas and writing a word web. Then she picked a few of her favorite details to include in the story, and numbered them in the order they belonged.
After that we wrote a first draft, revised it, copied the new draft (including some more descriptive words she chose from the thesaurus), proofread it (including looking up words in the dictionary to check spelling), and re-read it again to catch any errors that were missed the first few times.
Then it was time to "publish" her story. I decided to allow her to start her own blog, with careful rules and supervision. If you want her blog address, drop me a note via e-mail. I'm not going to share it online.
Here's AJ's story about her cousin J's birthday party the weekend before last:
One Sunday we went to our cousin J's birthday party in B------. It was fun. While we drove there, we counted cars.
When we got there we ate. The food was delicious. The games were fun. We didn't play the sock race game, but I played the balloon race.
On the trip home it was dim outside and shadowy inside. We were glad to go to bed when we got home. The day was enjoyable.
Here are some photos I took this weekend at Adventurous BIL's and Artistic SIL's property in B-----. It's incredibly beautiful out there.


Labels: enjoying the ride, just life, kid stuff, learning, pets, snap happy, special occasions, travel
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