So much for the angst . . .
She spent her extra 8 minutes of play time making this:

It says, "Math can be fun, if you do it fast!"
I also taught the girls how to use the washing machine and dryer today. Ebee still needs lots of help, of course, but the older two can handle starting a load pretty much by themselves after some instruction. They're so thrilled with their new skills.
AJ asked me if I could please teach her everything I know, so she can know how to do everything that needs to be done. I said I'd be happy to do that, and that I plan to have taught her everything she needs to know in order to take care of a household by the time she's a teenager. She thought that was a great idea.
A little later, she found a baby name book and asked me if she could take it with her when she grew up, to choose names for her children.
Of course I said yes. :)
Labels: just life, kid stuff, learning
AWWWWWW! That is just toooo bdalring what AJ said!! I know that was a blessing for you as it shows what a wonderful example you have been for her growing up so far. That's so sweet. You can click on that picture and it'll show the large version of it where you can read her handwriting clearly.
My Blog
that's supposed to say "too darling", teaches me not to proofread ;)
I love AJ.
Doing it fast is definitely the best way to make simple math problems less boring!
I simply love AJ!
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