Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blogging Blitz

M&M has become very interested in and diligent with keeping up her blog the last few days. I thought I'd repost her most recent posts here for those who don't read over at the other blog but might enjoy these.

• Sep. 18, 2009

Awana is a Bible club. OK, first is council time. Next you play games. Next you say verses. Sometimes we color before verses. Then we sing. The last thing we do is the winning team guess what? The winning team gets candy! We don't usually win but I'm still happy I go because I love JESUS!

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• Sep. 18, 2009
My Favorite Bible Character

My favorite Bible character is Esther. Want to know why? Because she would be willing die for her own people. It comforts me to think about it.

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• Sep. 18, 2009
Raven and the Bear

Once upon a time there was a Native American girl named Raven.One day she went into the woods.She went deeper and deeper into the forest. After a while she was lost! She couldn't see her home anywhere! She was very frightened.

"Help!" she yelled. She yelled and yelled. But nobody came.

Then suddenly she heard a rustle from the trees above her own head! Not just anybody's head but her head! She yelled even louder than before. But not as Raven expected it was just a crow.

Next she heard a rustle in front of her! A Bear with her cubs came out of the brush. Raven stopped screaming .She was glad the Bear had come. The Bear was her spirit guide. And as she expected the Bear helped her find her way home.

P.S. Some Native Americans believe in animal spirit guides.

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• Sep. 14, 2009
Starting Awana

We just started Awana! I'm really excited! It's great! I made a new frend named S! She was in Cubbies last year. There were 2 more new Sparkies named Sid and C (Girls). Were doing it every Thursday. My big sister is in T&T now!

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