Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Breakfast for lunch

I think I spoke too soon yesterday. My brain and body are still on vacation.

Actually, I am having occasional periods of slightly more energy and fuctionality. Even a few moments of comparative mental clarity. They last for all of about 10 minutes. Still, probably a good sign.

At the moment 2 out of 3 kids are screaming and my attempts to get them to sleep are failing. So what's a Mommy to do? Write a blog entry, of course. One thing about being a relatively experienced mother of young children (after all, I've done this three times now) is that non-emergency crying doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to.

M is currently throwing a tantrum in her bed. She has been implacable today. No matter what I do, she wants the other thing. At the moment she doesn't want to take a much-needed nap, doesn't like the books I gave her to read in bed but doesn't want any different ones, etc. etc. She was beside herself because I gave her milk in a cup with a straw, which she would normally love. "Sorry, Honey, but we're out of clean sippy cups. You can have milk with a straw or no milk at all." More howls.

A, at least, is playing quietly in her room.

Baby E is at the moment draped over my left shoulder, crying. As she has been for most of her waking moments and many of her fitfully-sleeping times over the past, oh, I forget how many days. She's still not sleeping well at night, and with DH being sick I'm more concerned about keeping him from sneezing on her than about utilizing his help. Last night she slept, but very restlessly, with lots of moaning, snuffling and general miserable-ness. The crib alarm went off several times; I don't think it works as well with the wedge I put in the crib to raise Baby E's head to help with reflux.

DH worked from home again until almost noon, which meant that when Baby E finally fell into a sound sleep around 7 (when I took her into my bed and just let her stay there), I got to sleep for a few hours while he got the older girls breakfast and refereed their play.

The girls weren't interested in sandwiches at lunch time, and I didn't have energy to do anything elaborate. So I promised them pancakes. They were ecstatic. Then I remembered we were out of non-dairy milk. Hmmm, what else do we have? Well, water. And about a cup of flat generic cola in the bottom of a 2-liter.

Flipping through one of my favorite cookbooks, Bounteous Blessings, I came across a recipe for crepes that called for soda instead of milk or water. Hmmm, interesting. It called for Sprite/7-up/mineral water, but I thought cola would be worth a try.

The crepes definitely unusual, but quite tasty. The kids were thrilled to have "soda-pop pancakes." The recipe called for a cream cheese filling and berry glaze, but we ate them plain, without syrup. They were plenty sweet and the cola flavor was strong enough that they didn't need anything else. I'll have to buy DH more soda (sorry, Dear), but when combined with peanut butter on a spoon and bananas, I think the cola crepes made for a fairly balanced meal. Not to mention fun and unique.

Now the kids are all quiet, so I'm going to ignore the mountains of housework crying out to be done and take a nap with the baby.

P.S. Thank goodness for spell-check.


Blogger Running2Ks said...

Hey there, SuperMom. Way to come up with creativity in the kitchen. I never would have thought of that. Of course, my pancakes have always been lumpy, sad, balls of batter. Yours sound yummy. I can't believe how much you get done!

mvbiexc is my secret word--I am moved by excess

4:25 PM  
Blogger ccw said...

My, your creativity and ability to function truly amazes me!

I love the crepe idea. That sounds like a lot of fun for everyone and yummy.

Sorry that the sleep is not as good as you thought. I was hoping that you were going to get some good rest. I hope your husband is better soon.

qbluvuvta - a very luxurious fabric. Ok, I read that one wrong.

Attempt #2 uwlst - sounds like the initials of a technology school.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Camera Obscura said...

Ah, good girl, you gave yourself a time-out. Non-emergency crying is non-emergency, and it sounds like a certain young lady was best off dealing with her cranky self all by her cranky self.

I've never done cola pancakes. Extra points for creativity in a crisis.

6:38 PM  
Blogger halloweenlover said...

I love the cola pancakes! Too funny that the girls loved them. You are the sweetest mom.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

I need to be better about remembering that non-emergency crying is, well, not an emergency. It still makes me feel like Serial Killer Mom.

I can't tell if my word is vwslox or wvslox. Also can't decide if it's a baseball reference or a brunch reference. Do you eat wvslox with your soda crepes?

9:39 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Way to go with the resourcefulness! That's even more impressive given the sleep deprivation.

11:13 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Phantom, is that like Lox made in West Virginia? LOL.

Thanks for the comments and encouragement, everyone. Although it's beyond me how any of you can think I have anything remotely resembing accomplishments and ability to function when I've accomplished exatly three things the entire day: Feeding the kids, putting them down for naps, ans writing a blog post. LOL.

11:15 AM  

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