Wednesday, September 21, 2005

7 weeks

Well, I'm not sure if I'm getting sick or just allergic to the old clothes/thrift shop dust. Probably both. We were around someone who was sick this past weekend, so I hope the kids (and especially the baby) don't get it.

Baby E is 7 weeks old today. I'm starting to lose track already--I kept thinking she was 7 1/2 weeks old this weekend and 8 weeks today until I counted it up. She woke up only twice last night. I sure hope that trend continues!

DH gets home tonight. I'll be glad for that, but overall this time of having him gone has been pretty smooth. I had some girls over to watch Emma (based on the Jane Austen book) last night, and that was fun.

Right now I have a babysitter here, and since our small group is canceled for the night I'm going to take the rare opportunity to run some errands with only the baby along.

We're keeping the southeastern coastal areas in our prayers . . . I have a lot of family and friends in Texas, including my best friend from college who is doing her internship in Corpus Christie. I've been trying off and on since Saturday to call her, but just keep getting a message that all circuits are busy.


Blogger ccw said...

Keeping fingers crossed that Baby E continues to sleep for longer periods.

I'm glad that you managed well while your husband was away. It seems as if you are getting the mothering 3 little ones down pat.

I hope you enjoyed your errand time alone (almost)

8:11 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, CCW. I got there and realized I'd forgotten my wallet, so ended up just coming home. But it was nice to have someone else put the kids to bed while I was gone. :)

10:34 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

Our prayers are with the coast as well.

I can't believe it has been 7 weeks already!

5:01 PM  
Blogger Rach said...

Wow, by the time i read this Baby E will be almost 8 weeks old! time really does fly by doesn't it! i'm glad things are going well, and I hope her Colic goes away soon. I'm happy to hear that she's sleeping through the night...Well at least once and i too hope it continues for you!

haven't been able to visit here for a while, so i have a lot of catching up to do!

take care

4:34 AM  

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