Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Just like syrup

Well, I had my appointment with the midwife.


The verdict: most of what I've been experiencing can probably be attributed to extreme sleep deprivation, nursing a very demanding baby, and dehydration.

Yes, dehydration. For some reason, even though I'd had several glasses of water in the few hours before my appointment, I seemed to be dehydrated. The nurse had a hard time getting my blood to flow into the little vials, which resulted in much jiggling and tipping of the vials attached to the needle attached to my arm. Not exactly comfortable. It was "sluggish", so it took approximately three years to fill two vials, even with all the tipping and jiggling. The midwife said my blood looked like syrup. Oh, yummy.

I guess I need a lot more fluid intake when I'm nursing Baby E so much.

Also, I apparently have some kind of bacterial infection thing going on. I think that should be fairly easily treatable. Since I'm allergic to almost every antibiotic ever made, I'll see what the naturopath recommends for treating it.

We'll get the results of the blood test back tomorrow to see if there's anything else going on.

Now, the older girls are having quiet time and Baby E is sleeping. So I'm going to see if I can do something toward relieving some of the sleep deprivation.


Blogger Douglas said...

I get dizzy spells if I have less than 32 oz of water per day... and I'm not even nursing. C bought me one of those big 64 oz. mugs with a straw to help me regulate my water intake and avoid dehydration. I haven't stood up and felt dizzy since... except when I've forgotten to drink my water.

Hope you can catch up on that sleep.


3:31 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

Take care of yourself. I know my midwife was very helpful when I had a mastitis infection--helped me avoid antibiotics with a lot of vitamin C, fluids, and rest.

I hope you get it all resolved soon--and some sleep.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Angela!

I've been keeping up with your blog entries - glad to hear that you are getting some sleep! I just wanted to say that a friend of mine who also has a demanding, large, hungry baby told me that she has to drink 2 or 3 GALLONS of water a day to keep up her milk supply! That seems like a lot, but maybe you need large amounts too.

Hope you're feeling better soon!
Love, Sarah

10:21 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Doug, R2Ks and Sarah. I was wondering why it seemed I felt thirsty no matter how much water I drank. I've had about a gallon today I think, and I'm still thirsty. I guess I need a LOT of water!

1:05 AM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

So glad your symptoms are from something easily treatable! :-)

5:19 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Me too, Amy!

3:06 PM  

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