Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Answers to Prayer

Yesterday the doctors at the hospital told Former Military Guy that it didn't look like he'd be able to leave the hospital any time soon. He would certainly have to stay for a few more days, and quite possibly longer.

Our church has been growing a lot lately in the area of prayer and faith, and we've been learning to pray for and expect bigger things from God--even miracles. So, when Former Military Woman asked one of the pastors to pray with her yesterday, they prayed for a miracle.

They prayed specifically that FMG would be well enough to go home from the hospital the next day (today), even though the doctors had said that wasn't possible.

Even last night the doctors were still saying that FMG wasn't doing well and to expect to be in the hospital for a while. But this morning he was so much better that they started doing evaluations and taking him off the various gadgets.

This afternoon FMW called to tell me that he had been discharged from the hospital and was home! He's still weak and needs to gain strength, but he's much better, and very happy.

This sort of thing always sends chills down my spine. Thanks for your prayers, everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every. Single. Little. Hair. Is standing up on my body right now.

::Sigh:: The power of prayer.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Andi said...

Would you pray for a little boy named David who is in critical condition??? His family has been through a lot since he was born with medical problems almost a year ago. Their only other child also died.

His mother keeps a blog here:

I believe in the power of prayer too.

6:54 PM  

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