Thursday, January 11, 2007


My post on Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment is included in the brand-new Health Carnival.

This new carnival seems nicely organized and looks quite readable, although there's no indication that whoever put it together actually read any of the posts included. Still, I'm looking forward to getting a chance to check out some of the posts.

I was pretty excited about my post and my series of articles that it linked to. But apparently it didn't seem as valuable a contribution to the medical blogging community as I had hoped.


It was turned down for inclusion in Grand Rounds (even with a food theme for the issue and a specific solicitation for posts about allergies--of which not a single one was included), and also turned down for inclusion in Carnival of the Vanities (or maybe just overlooked, since supposedly every post submitted was included this time). Oh, well . . . you might find some other posts you enjoy in these collections.

This was the first time I had ever submitted a post in multiple places, but it contained information that I thought was valuable and had really hoped to get out a little more widely.

It's always a strange feeling when you worked very hard and thought something you wrote turned out well, but nobody else seems to agree. Oh, well again. No harm to anything but the ego.

Hmmm, I just realized that this post sounds a bit grumpy. Plus Blogger keeps making my post window jump around, which is driving me crazy. Maybe I shouldn't be posting at almost 2:30 a.m. when I'm exhausted and still up dealing with fussy, clingy, miserably sick kids.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if there are any print journals that allergists read that you might contact to see if they take lay submissions?

Or perhaps "Parents" or one of those magazines?

Or if there's a med school near you?

I think your posts on this topic should get a wider audience.

7:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know that I keep losing track of GR - I certainly hadn't seen that one. What an odd range of choices - and I have to disagree with some of the assertions (like the acceptance of the science of nutrigenomics). I have to say that the lack of allergies and intolerances was striking.

Regards - Shinga

8:13 AM  

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