Sunday, January 28, 2007

Notes to Self

  • Never try to take three young children who are already tired and grumpy grocery shopping just at bedtime. Especially when the youngest has decided she won't nurse with any distraction around, but is miserable because she hasn't nursed for 5 or 7 hours (as opposed to her normal once-every-one-to-two-hours habit). And when the older two are bored, whiny, hyper and constantly bickering.

  • Call the dentist in the morning. And try not to panic. Because this habit of fillings falling out and teeth crumbling is the stuff nightmares are made of, not real life. Right?? Right???? Three in one week has got to be the limit, we hope. How can a person who rarely eats refined sugars and brushes/flosses regularly have so many problems with her teeth?

  • Find a calcium supplement with none of the relevant allergens. What? Who's laughing? It's got to be possible, hasn't it? Somehow?

  • Go to bed, and try not to think about the fact that a certain nearly 18-month-old will be awake and crying over the refusal of "ILK" in a few hours.

  • Especially try not to have nightmares about crumbling teeth all night like you did last night. We don't like those dreams, or the actual true waking version either.

  • Congratulate yourself on getting to church almost on time this morning, and then getting two weeks' worth of menus planned and spending time with a friend this afternoon. (Even if the store you went to didn't carry half the groceries you needed for said menus.) Be glad you could give DH an evening out by himself.

  • Breathe. And try to figure out a way not to snap and snarl at the kids all day tomorrow, okay?

  • Try taking time to pray and have quiet time. You haven't done that for too long. Maybe you could look forward to sitting with your Bible and a cup of tea in the morning. It might help tomorrow go better.

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Blogger swissmiss said...

I hope you find some quiet time. The tea and Bible sounds like a good idea.

I find that if I spend ten minutes before I go to bed making a short - emphasis on short and acheivable - list of things to do the next day, the next day does actually go better. Why I then only remember to do this once or twice a week is another story...

1:57 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Big hugs.

Are you getting enough vitamin C?

5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PK, could you be grinding your teeth at night? I know when I did it was wreaking havoc with my dental work. Go easy on yourself, OK? Thinking of you!

9:46 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Swissmiss, it does help me to do some planning the night before, too. I need to start doing that again.

Liz, I am pretty sure I'm getting adequate amounts of Vitamin C in all the fruits and vegetables we eat. When I input the food we eat into it looks like we're doing OK on most nutrients. It's mainly calcium, folate and iron (and calories, LOL) that I'm worried about.

DebbieS, you're right. I clench my teeth at night sometimes. I guess I need to talk to the dentist about getting some kind of bite-guard to wear while I sleep. I also have acid reflux, which I recently read can cause dental problems.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Katia said...


Have you tried goat milk. Most people with milk alergies can handle it although the taste does take getting used to. This is what I drink because I am sensitive to cow milk. I have never had problems with goat milk. It can be expencive but I get it from the gov. program WIC. Don't know how'll I'll aford it when my kids get past five. I guess that's why I keep having babies lol.

1:11 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Katia, we can't do goat milk because goats are fed corn, which gives Baby E an allergic reaction I used to drink goat milk as a child, though.

I can do small amounts of yogurt very occasionally, and we found a yogurt with no additives from grass-fed cows.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Katia said...

I wonder if you could find a goat that is grass fed but that is probably to much to ask huh. How long are you going to nurse Baby E. I usually am good to nurse till 8 or nine months. My kids seem to loose interest.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Jane Dark said...

Oh, PK, I think everyone else has said the things I would say. But I hope the day went well.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

Happy you found quiet time for yourself. We moms need that rejuvenation. The effect of us relaxed spreads to our loved ones: husband and children.
(Love the kangaroo icons for your list!) :)

7:03 PM  

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