Friday, January 26, 2007


  • Blogger is trying to force me to upgrade to the new version. I had to do some fiddling to figure out how to bypass the upgrade this morning. They're not offering me the option to stay with the old version any more. When I try to post or even delete spam, it sends me to a window in which upgrading is the only option.

  • The surest way to make sure a baby stops sleeping well at night is to blog about how well she's sleeping. This week Baby E has been waking up between 1 and 3 times each night, wanting "ILK!"

  • The night-weaning commences again tonight. I'm not quite sure when or where it went by the wayside, but I want my sleep back.

  • Morning and I made quite a bit of progress yesterday. I had to quit working on decluttering the bedroom to fix dinner, but she managed to get the bathroom in there presentable. It's so nice to be making significant headway on the house.

  • I'm going to have to really discipline myself to learn how to relax and play at home again. I set the timer for two 10-minute sessions yesterday, and forced myself not to pick up anything or do any work while I was playing with the kids. My goal is to do this at least once every day.

  • AJ chose 10 minutes of coloring for her turn. I can't remember the last time I just sat down with the kids and colored for 10 minutes. Then M&M chose for us all to play Simon Says, for me to give them horsey-back rides, and for us all to dance to music for her 10 minutes. I got my exercise in that way!

  • In a few minutes a friend from church and her son are coming for a playdate. I'm going to discipline myself to actually sit down, relax and visit rather than my usual habit of doing chores while visiting.

  • I made a parsnip cake last night to serve to our guests today. It turned out amazingly well. Coming up with interesting and unique recipes is so much fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant to post this here not under first words. I am still trying to get the hang of this.

I am a mother of 4 little girls with a DH as well. We have been married going on 8 years this may. I have arthritis which I have cured through diet in the past and am working towards that again. I am very much into health food and sharing recipies. I have bright girls as well although I'm not sure if they are as bright as yours. My oldest is 6 turning 7 next month and in first grade. She is in a Spanish immursion program where one week she learns nothing but spanish and one week english she has two classrooms and two teachers that she rotates with. She knew all she needed to know to start first grade when she began kindergarten. She new her uppercase letters at 2 and half years old and started piecing letters together around three or four years. She now in first grade reads at a third grade level fluently but can decode up to 4th grade beginning. But her teacher is into that they need to comprehend thing. She remembers what she learns oldmost exactly after she learns it. She is not advanced in math however. She does nothing but read sometimes. She really loves to read.
My next daughter is 4 yrs and knows her uppercase letters and some of her lowercase. She seems to learn in whole more than parts. She understands that putting letters together make a word. She likes to write a bunch of letters in any order and tell me what they say. She is my little analist. When she was three and a half she put her arm around me and said Mom I love you and then added when you don't yell at me" Also around the same time she preceeded to tell me once that yelling at her hurt her self esteem those weren't her exact words but that was the just of her words. It took me back. Also when she was 2 she would try to draw and get mad and throw her pencil when the picture didn't look like she thought it should. Once she cried "I can't draw a star" and proceeded to bawl. I trided to explain that she was a little young to be able to do that but how do you explain that to a 2 year old. My 2 year old is my prodogy. Although I have slacked on teaching her her letters. She never fails to amaze me. When she was 2 and half months she spoke her first word. No one believed me until they heard her. They were amazed. She said Ma Ma as she wailed and then get this she never wailed again without crying Ma Ma. Then at about 4 or 5 months she Started wailing Ma Ma Am ber(which is her name) At first it was slurred but after a while it got closer together and you could tell she was saying her name. It was weird. She was basically saying Ma Ma Amber needs you. She also at two months could hold her bottle by herself and could look at her sister when I asked her where is so and so. She also at two months would laugh at people coughing or sounds she liked and even laughed at peek a boo. She now is 2 years almost three and speeks extremly well for her age. When she was barely two she started repeating sentences not just words. When she hears a sentence that sounds new she repeats it a few times out loud. Last summer we went to the pool and she wanted a drink from the fountin and I told her to do it herslef and she said "I can't too harder". Both my 4 and 2 year old attend preschool but at first they wouldn't let the two year old go and she would cry as we left the building "I'm too little" My newest baby is only almost 2 months but she has a lot of Gas not as bad as Baby E but worse then I remember my other kids. I eat pretty well but have tried to cut out surgar and hot spices. The spices is a struggle for me. well anyways you can see where we have some stuff in common. Hope to hear from you soon. and I'll be reading your post I find them very facinating. YOu are definately a writer

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the grass is always greener - I can't get my little boy to leave me ALONE for ten minutes during the day.

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! On a completely different subject...please excuse me for the intrusion...I found your blog on a search engine when I was wanting to add bullets to my posts. Your information is great but not working for me. I have a feeling it's a "new blogger" issue, but I'm not sure.

Is there anything I can do?

11:37 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Katia, thanks for introducing yourself. It's nice to "meet" you.

Swissmiss, my kids would like to be glued to me 24/7, it seems--especially the younger two. But I really have to wrok at making sure I'm giving them times with my full attention rather than having them hang on me while I'm trying to do something else and getting frustrated at them, KWIM?

Anne, I'm sorry but I don't know about bullets on the new blogger. I know Phantom Scribbler is on the new blogger and is using custom bullets, though.

11:26 PM  
Blogger Katia said...

I understand the logic behind spending one on one time and then the kids are happier. But Sometimes I just don't have time. I try to at least read to them sometime during the day and work on my oldest with her homework. I am now currently working towards my Special education Masters Degree and teaching certificate. I volunteer at my kids preschool which is a preschool for parent volunteers at my older daughters school. I also volunteer at another school in a variety of classes for students with disabilities. I also teach an afterschool class called Rising stars. It is a precurser to Destination Imagination which is a class for kids who compete by creating a skit to perform. Rising stars creates a skit but doesn't compete because the kids are too young. I know that is not an excuse but it does make it more difficult. Any suggestions into how to manage time effectivly

2:46 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Katia, I wish I knew how to manage time more effectively. That's not something I'm particularly good at. It sounds like you're doing a pretty good job with reading to them and helping with homework, etc. though.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Katia said...

Thanks for your confidence. It does frustrate me a little because I don't spend as much time teaching my younger girls as I did my oldest when she was that age but preschool helps in that area I guess. They really like preschool and I really like their teacher. When it gets warmer hopefully we can go to the park more too. Cold weather is sometimes hard because kids go nuts when they are cooped up too long. Sometimes my DH takes them to play at the mall and that helps. Here's a funny one My 4 yr old just yelled from the bathroom when AB was aproaching it "I need privacy". Didn't know she ever cared.

7:34 AM  

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