Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Good thing days come one at a time

[Updates at bottom]

Baby E is reacting mildly to something today, so she's tantrum central, won't let me put her down, screams and cries, has diarrhea, wants to nurse constantly. Her tummy hurts, poor thing, but it's so hard to get anything else done when she's like this.


At least I know it's temporary, and she'll probably be fine by tomorrow. We're re-trialing the K for P margarine. Or it could be the lentils. We've been trying the lentils off and on for about a week now, and the K for P margarine for two weeks, but neither one consistently. Whatever she's reacting to, it seems she may do all right with it in my milk, but more than a small amount eaten directly seems to give her problems. It's not a corn-type reaction she's having, and these slow-build-up delayed reactions are so much harder to figure out.

Days like this I'm just thankful it's not all day every day any more, and that we haven't had a really bad reaction in weeks. The mild, occasional reactions I can handle.

I really need to finish doing school with the older girls. Once again there's a pond of soup on my kitchen floor. I opened the refrigerator door and was trying to get the leftover lamb roast out when a BIG plastic container of soup I'd made fell out and doused me and the entire kitchen. At least this time I wasn't wearing shoes , but my jeans are wet halfway to the knees. I really need to organize my refrigerator better so things aren't falling out. What a waste of food, not to mention the time and energy for clean-up.

I ended up just throwing down towels and tending to Baby E instead of finishing cleaning it up, because she was getting so frantic. I can't figure out how to get the vent guard on the front of the fridge off--I'll have to find the instruction manual somewhere, I guess.

I just nursed her and she fell asleep while I was holding her and typing. Then I went and laid her down and of course the moment she left my arms she was awake and screaming again. I'll give her a few minutes and if she doesn't settle down I'll get her back up again. There's very little chance she'll take a nap when she's like this, even though she desperately needs one. Ideally I'd lie down with her and just let her nurse for an hour or two to soothe her stomach, but I really must do something about the soup in the kitchen.

Ah, quiet. For a moment. I don't think she fell asleep, but she's in there playing so I'm going to try to clean up the kitchen while I can. I decided it was time for the older girls to have quiet time, so they're peacefully reading in their rooms. :)

Oops, now she's crying again. What I really need is someone to cuddle her while I mop the kitchen floor. I wonder if she'd be okay to let the older girls cuddle on the sofa with her and watch a video, if I'm nearby?

**4PM Update**

Nope, not really. I also managed to spill Baby E's grape juice for her medicine on the floor and on myself, and drop the entire container of lamb roast accidentally into the garbage. Baby E seemed to feel better after a bout of diarrhea and lots more nursing, until M&M jumped off the steps and collided full-force with Baby E's head.

Meanwhile, I still haven't mopped the floor or changed my clothes. The kitchen still has just a pile of towels on a puddle of soup. We never did finish eating lunch (that would be the soup and lamb roast) and now it's almost dinner time and I'm not sure what we're having. Every time I've turned around to try to do something about the floor or dinner, someone has gotten hurt or gotten into something they're not supposed to have.

Is the day over yet?



Blogger Liz Miller said...

Big squeezy hugs.

5:33 PM  
Blogger Amy said...


If I were nearby, I'd come over to mop your kitchen and do some laundry or something. As it is, I can just send my love and pray that tomorrow is a little easier (and less violent)!

5:47 PM  
Blogger jo(e) said...

What a day!

I can't tell you how often stuff falls out of my refrigerator and spills onto my kitchen floor ....

5:23 AM  
Blogger ccw said...

I hope that today is going better!

10:16 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Liz and Amy.

Jo(e), I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does that!

CCW, thanks . . . any day with homemade cinnamon rolls in it has to be better, right? :)

11:37 AM  

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