We went to the county fair.

"Wheeee! Wook, Eeen! Wook-a me! I widing howse! Wheeee!"

On being asked, "How did you like your first roller coaster ride?"
M&M, sparkling and glowing--huge grin: "I loved it! It was fabulous!"
AJ, deadpan, unsmiling: "Great."
She did smile for the miniature train, though.
Baby E was too small for any of the rides and was so very upset that she wasn't allowed to ride the merry-go-round when AJ and M&M did. Toward the end of the day we found the pony rides. She was so thrilled to get to ride a real horse.
I thought it was rather ironic that the proprieter refused to allow E on the merry-go-round--even sitting on a stationery bench instead of an animal, with me holding her. I've never seen a merry-go-round with such strict rules before. Yet the ride with real horses let her on, no problem. It seems that riding on a real horse would carry more of a risk than sitting on a bench in Mommy's arms, doesn't it?
The proprieter of the pirate bounce-and-slide in another part of the fair let E get on that, too, even though technically she was too short. All three girls bounced and giggled, shrieking with laughter when they fell down. Baby E was almost frenetic with joy at finally getting to go on a ride with the big kids. She jumped and jumped, fell down giggling, shouted "Wook! Wook-a me! I jumping! I jump! I fall down! Wook, I jumping!" and didn't want to get out. AJ and M&M tried to coax her, but eventually I had to go in and retrieve her--so I got to go down the big slide, too.

Baby E especially loved the "Mammas" and these baby alpacas. She got over her fear of animals and, for the first time, wanted to pet them on her own. We petted pigs, goats, cows, sheep, dogs, cats, a rabbit, a hen and more. The kids wanted to take them all home.
DH got permission to go in to work late this morning, and came with us for a little while. He got to see the kids finding their artwork displayed and enjoying some of the animals.
Later, Morning came and joined us for the rest of the day. We had so much fun seeing all the exhibits. We even found something from a food vendor that Baby E and I could eat--a plain baked potato, garnished with chicken we brought from home. AJ had corn on the cob and M&M had a corndog, and they both had snowcones, shared a milkshake and had some of Morning's popcorn (spread out over the day, not all at once). They were beside themselves with all the corny treats, and quite willing to wash their hands carefully before touching Baby E.
E napped in the stroller and the older girls didn't tire of the fun. So we stayed longer than we had initially planned. We wandered around, relaxed, delighted ourselves with all the sights and sounds, and enjoyed each others' company.
By the time we looked at many of the exhibits, played games, thoroughly exhausted the kids' area (complete with huge bubble wands, painting, a ball machine, and all kinds of exploratory and educational exhibits), and took in a kids' show, it was getting late. When we got home it was past their bedtime and all three girls went to sleep quickly once they were bathed and in their pajamas.
It was one of those thoroughly happy days that I wish I could duplicate and bottle to keep forever. Since I can't, I'm just quietly savoring it and thanking God for my loved ones and for the joy-filled day.
Labels: kid stuff, snap happy, special occasions
What a great birthday and what wonderful memories! :)
I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. Happy second birthday, Baby E!
Oh my goodness! It seems like just last month we were waiting breathlessly for her arrival!
Happy Birthday to Toddler E! It looks like you all had a great day. How wonderful to be able to see E, strong, healthy, happy and well-rested, riding her pony. You've come a long way in the last year...
Happy Birthday, Baby E!!
Sounds like a wonderful day! Happy Birthday to Baby E! It's so hard to believe that she's already two! Wasn't she just born?!? :)
I love that Baby E was so excited by being a "big girl" -- she's cetainly right about that!
Sounds like so much fun! I wish it would have worked for me to go with you, but at least I got to read about it. :-)
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