They started out by taking her blood pressure and everything, then did a skin-prick test with the fresh-cooked corn we brought and smeared some corn flour mixed with water on one cheek. 15-20 minutes later, so far so good.
Then they started feeding her corn. They started with half a kernel and gradually increased the amount, feeding her another dose every 20 minutes until finally they just gave her a little cup of corn and let her eat as much as she wanted. She liked it.
By the time all was said and done we had been at the allergist's office for over 4 and 1/2 hours, feeding her corn and watching her. She had no reaction whatsoever. None. Maybe a slight tummy-ache, which is fairly normal for her anyway. Nothing that looked like an allergy.
Sometime this afternoon DH said she had a soft BM that looked like it may have had some corn in it. But she does the same thing with other fruits and vegetables high in starch and/or sugar, so that's nothing unusual for her.
It's now been about 14 hours and still no sign of any kind of reaction. Not even a mood change, difficulty napping or red cheeks. Nothing.
We've been praying so much that she would grow out of her allergies. At this point it looks like she's gone from having a bunch of food allergies to having NONE. We still have to figure out the sugar issue, but Baby E has no food allergies.
Wow. Wow.
We are going to keep an eye on her over the next few days to see how she tolerates it over the long-term, but if that goes well we're going to buy a popcorn popper! And go out to dinner in a real restaurant! And basically eat whatever we want.
It hasn't even really sunk in yet, but wow.
We also got word yesterday that the 4-year-old in Malamute Rescue family had an amazing thing happen this week.
About a year ago he had to have a lump in his neck surgically removed, along with the salivary gland that was causing it.
This year he developed the same kind of problem in another gland, farther down in his neck. The location would be much more difficult and dangerous to operate on, so after verifying the issue the surgeon referred them to another more experienced expert. We all started praying.
About 3 or 4 days ago the Malamute Rescuers noticed that they could no longer see the lump in his neck. Yesterday he had his ultrasound.
There was nothing there. The lump was completely gone.
"I don't know what happened," the renowned surgeon said. "These things don't normally go away on their own. But there's nothing there. Nothing wrong in his neck at all."
We're all praising the Lord for answered prayers. It's almost beyond words at the moment.
Labels: allergies and adverse reactions, faith and spirituality, food
Oh, what wonderful news!
That's fantastic. I'm so pleased that Baby E. is doing so well, and that you can remove a long list of stressful procedures from your life!
Very exciting! Thanks for sharing the good news. :)
Amazing!! I'm so glad your prayers have been answered in such an incredible, direct way.
Good luck figuring out the lingering sugar issue. :)
It's been a long and difficult road for you, but I'm so GLAD to hear such encouraging news!
Hooray for Baby E!
:) :) :) :) :)
Enjoy the popcorn. I like it with a little butter, salt, and Parmesan cheese (or, technically, Pecorino Romano, since some of us still do have allergies).
I'm so glad for you and Baby E!!
:) :) :) :) :)
I am so excited for you guys!!!!
We are dealing with a corn allergy round here. It's a new thing. If you have any advice, I'm all ears. I am so grateful for all that you've done because it has helped that me so much when I've been navigating the health care system for my two children.
Thanks so much, everyone. Miranda, I have a post partially put together with resources about corn allergy, and will hopefully finish and post it soon.
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