Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Are we there yet?

I'm feeling quite a bit worse today. I'm so glad my grandparents were able to come over. Grandpa played with the kids while Grandma did laundry and fixed lunch. I mostly stayed in bed. Ebee actually took a nap this afternoon while the older girls had quiet time, so I slept too for a while.

Ebee is really testing the limits right now, especially since she knows I'm not able to follow up on things as well as usual. She's been doing a lot more hitting and pushing than usual, and today she dumped an entire container of flushable wipes into the toilet--again--(they're not flushable that way!) and scattered a ripped-up roll of toilet paper around the bathroom. AJ has been more weepy than usual and M&M a little less cooperative than normal, but mostly they're doing pretty well. It's hard on the kids to have Mommy so sick, I know.

I just found out that Luke Jensen's mom is a childhood friend of mine. I hadn't realized that--I was thinking it was a family that goes to our church, but it's not (a good friend of the Jensen family does attend our church, but the Jensens attend a different fellowship). It's so hard to realize that Vikki's son is the one who is so sick. I haven't seen her for years, but our families were good friends and we used to see each other frequently when I was small. Luke is still fighting leukemia, and would appreciate your prayers.



Blogger Liz Miller said...

Thinking of you and hoping that tomorrow will be better.

8:58 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Liz. You're so sweet.

7:28 PM  

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