Dear to my Heart

This morning a photographer came to do a photo shoot with the kids. While they were all dressed up, I shot a few snapshots too.
The girls really liked the pose we did the other day with their heads in my lap, so they decided they wanted me to take a similar pose with just the three of them today. It came out really beautiful, I think.
We didn't do school today, and I just heated up some canned soup for lunch. That left me enough energy to play a game with the kids tonight, snap photos, giggle with them, and work with them on learning how to use the camera.
I've decided that tomorrow we're going to skip school and just spend time relaxing and playing together. Both the kids and I need that. I'm glad homeschooling gives us that kind of flexibility.
After having the photographer come today, the girls wanted to play photographer. Since (obviously) it's something I really enjoy, it's exciting to me that they are getting old enough to start learning how to take pictures. Even Ebee can carefully hold the camera and push the button, putting her little wrist through the strap and holding it just the way she sees me and the older kids do.
AJ took this one:

M&M took this one:

Ebee took this one (I had to make it really small, because all of hers showed clear faces):

I have really been struggling emotionally and spiritually this week, fighting discouragement, depression and all kinds of questions. But last night and today the Lord has been gently quieting my heart and reminding me of His faithfulness.
DH and I had a good talk last night. A friend called and prayed with me this afternoon, and another friend called and left a sweet message on my answering machine. I had some conversations with God and came to peace about some things. Today I was able to take my eyes off myself and focus on the Lord, my family, and the things that are truly important.
I'm smiling tonight.
When I was putting the kids to bed this evening, I asked if they were ready for me to pray with them.
Ebee said, "I am! I mahnt to pway fiwst."
Then she closed her eyes, folded her little hands and said, "I wuv my Mommy and I wuv my Daddy. I wuv AJ and M&M. I wuv my toys, and M&M's. I wuv my fwiends. Fank You. Dee end."
I imagine that made the Lord smile, too.
Labels: just life, kid stuff, snap happy
It's a wonderful picture!
That is a really beautiful picture, as are the ones the kids took.
And that Ebee really makes me smile.
What an AMAZING picture!
Your girls are so sweet together...
Hi! Nice to meet you. This is my first visit here. That picture is absolutely gorgeous!! Best pic I have seen in a long time.
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