Friday, May 16, 2008

Jumping Ideas Needed

The kids really really like to jump, but I don't want them jumping on the beds or couches (partly because of safety issues, and partly to take care of the furniture--and also because most of our furniture is borrowed and doesn't actually belong to us).

The floor isn't really bouncy enough to be a satisfying place to jump.

Neither DH nor I are comfortable with the idea of a trampoline, because we've seen too many really serious injuries from trampolines.

I've thought of getting an old mattress to put on the floor just for the kids to jump on, but I'm highly allergic to dust mites and all I can think of is dust mites spewing into the air with every bounce. :)

Are there any other options anyone can think of that would be relatively safe, inexpensive, and not too hard on my allergies? It also needs to be something that could be stowed away when necessary, and is not too hard to set up and take down. I'm wondering if an air mattress would work, but am not sure if it would be bouncy enough or durable enough.

Any other ideas?

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Blogger Amy said...

Are you against all trampolines or just the big ones? Most sporting goods stores sell mini trampolines that sit only about 6"-8" off the ground and are only a couple of feet wide.

Otherwise ... foam? Do dust mites live in foam? We used to have a couple of foam mattresses when I was a kid and I loved jumping onto those.

What about Moon Shoes? A pogo stick? Rolls of bubble wrap??

I would think that any really good bouncing would ruin an air mattress.

Where's a good batch of Flubber when you need it?

1:55 AM  
Blogger Carolynn from Western Australia said...

If you are not totally against trampoloines, you can get ones with safety screen around them so they cab't fall off. Another solution to them not being able to fall off a trampoline and hurt themselves is to sink them into the ground so that the actual trampoline is at ground level. You will find most commercial trampoline venues do this and they are a whole lot safer.

I'm not sure an air matress would stand up to an aweful lot of bouncing. :-)

Good luck with your decisions.
Love Carolynn xxx :-)

4:56 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Don't get the moon shoes, they are really dangerous on cement and don't work on grass.

What about an inflatable bouncer like they have at places like Pump It Up? You can get a bouncer at Toys R Really Plentiful.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Amy. The exercise trampolines can be a lot safer than the big trampolines (for one, you're pretty much limited to basic jumping and can't do complex flips or anything on them). Also, since they're significantly smaller, it would be a little easier to enforce the one-person-on-at-a-time rule.

Air mattresses would pop right away.

--Kathy J.

8:48 AM  
Blogger KLee said...

There are actually trampolines with a bar that you hang on to for support. They're small, like the mini-tramps, but are used in schools and day-care type settings. I have a friend who works with autistic children, and they have one. She has a couple of kids who really like to bounce, too. Another good idea would be some exercise mats, like what are in a gym for acrobats. Those might cushion the falling enough to keep from injury, but not be so bouncy that the girls would do that to the exclusion of everything else...

7:36 PM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

I think an air mattriss would be dangerous as well as easily popped. It seems like it's a little too resistant and unpredictable and could send the kids flying into the wall or something.

One of those big trampolines with the safety net would be cool, but also expencive, I suppose.

9:41 PM  

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