Saturday, June 07, 2008

Quick Notes

  • The hip is better. I could walk on it (albeit painfully) by the next day, so just waited to go in to the chiropractor on Friday. Today, the swelling has gone down quite a bit and it's much less painful.

  • I listed and priced 53 books today for the homeschool used curriculum sale next week. My mom is the label contact person, so I went over to my parents' house around 5 to pick up labels and ended up staying until after 10. I guess that's what happens when you enjoy being around your family. :)

  • SisJ is coming home in a week--hooray!

  • My kids are doing well. They have been so sweet and patient with me even though I've been not feeling well lately. They're such sweethearts.

  • This week M&M was reading a book about Shakespeare, and she was turning the pages so fast that I thought she was just looking at the pictures. She said she had actually read it, though, so I picked up the book and started flipping through it quizzing her on what she'd read. She told me the age Shakespeare was when he married, described the setup of the Globe theater to me, and told me how great it was that Queen Elizabeth was supportive of drama.

  • AJ came down for breakfast the other day and asked me whether viruses reflect light or not. Then she wanted to look up bacteria in the encyclopedia so she could see what they looked like.

  • Ebee has a new pre-math workbook. She especially likes matching, identifying patterns, and picking the item in a series that does not belong. Her reasons for why the item doesn't belong are funny sometimes.

  • DH finished the worst part of his big project at work. Hooray! He's been so much more relaxed the last few days.



Blogger Carolynn from Western Australia said...

I don't comment very often but I read your journal everyday, infact I often check it several times a day to see if you have added anything more.

So glad your hip is improving, I know exactly what it is like to have painful hips as I have Avascular Necrosis of both Femoral Heads (I have the same thing in a few other bones due to my Auto-immune disease). Eventually they will apparently need to replace them, not looking forward to that you can be sure, we will leave it until it is absolutely necessary.

PK Ipromise I will try to find some time and write a proper e-mail to you, but you know what it is like not to have enough hours in the day.

Take Care All of you
Lots of Love Carolynn xxx :-)

12:15 AM  
Blogger CalvaryGirl said...

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. That's amazing how much the kids are picking up. I;m bribing Jackson to read over the summer, lol I picked up a Christian version book of Abe Lincoln, which is a favored history figure of his. He was happy to get it. I'm going to challenge him to do 'book reviews' on the books he reads. We'll see how that goes!!

11:00 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Carolynn and Wendy. I'm feeling better this week.

11:53 AM  

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