Fun at the park, a baby, and a rash

It's been a fun couple of days. Last night I went wedding dress shopping with Dr. AB and we found "the one." It is rather unique and special, and it looks lovely on her. I got to meet Dr. A's future SIL also, which was fun.
We went back to Dr. A's place after our shopping trip to eat and hang out. She lives on a hill, and there's not enough parking near her condo, so as usual I ended up having to park clear down at the bottom of the hill near the entrance to the complex.
I was really encouraged, because I walked all the way from my car to her apartment with no trouble and wasn't even much winded when I got there. Last time I was there I had a really hard time making it up the hill and had to stop 3 or 4 times to rest and then was completely tired and out of breath when I finally made it. It's really encouraging to see a tangible sign of progress like that. Without those measurable signs of progress it just seems like it's still taking forever to get fully recovered from having had mono.
Ebee was feeling significantly better by Friday, and today she seemed perfectly healthy and energetic. So we went to the picnic to celebrate the birth of our newest niece (DH's sister's child). That was a lot of fun. Little SR is adorable, and we had fun playing games and watching all the cousins enjoy the park, the lake and each other's company.

Here's a photo of SR and her mother--aren't they lovely?

In the afternoon, though, I noticed that Ebee had some sort of funny-looking spots on her torso and upper arms--oh, and on her face too. They looked sort of similar to the rashes she used to get with her allergies. I figured it was probably a heat rash, irritation from the sunscreen, or something like that. But since my SIL is an experienced mother, I asked her what she thought of it.
I was really surprised when she looked at it and said, "Oh, that looks like Rubella (or German Measles). When my child had it . . . " and started detailing symptoms and a progression of illness that pretty much exactly fit with what Ebee had this week.

When I talked to Dr. A, she said it certainly sounded like a possibility. So we'll call Ebee's pediatrician tomorrow and see if they want to run titers or anything. Since Rubella is contagious from about a week before the fever starts until 4 days after the rash is gone, we've probably exposed some people. :-(
It's not a serious disease except for unborn babies . . . there is a risk to the baby if a mother comes down with it during pregnancy. I am a little concerned since we were with my friend JT who is pregnant, and another friend who is TTC this week. I'm guessing, though, that they probably all had their MMRs as kids and are most likely immune.
We're definitely staying home from church in the morning, though. We don't want to be exposing everyone there.
Labels: just life, loved ones, snap happy, special occasions
Rubella exposure is worst in the first trimester, not as serious after that.
Was Ebee immunized?
Rev Dr Mom, my pregnant friend is toward the end of the first trimester. And no, Ebee was not immunized. She has had no vaccinations because all the vaccines had ingredients she was allergic to in them. We're thinking about whether/what vaccines to pursue now that she's been free of allergies for a while.
The Rubella vaccine is also only about 95% effective, so there is a chance of getting it even for an immunized person.
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, those pictures are so sweet. The baby is precious. Is Ebee doing better today?
Sorry about the rubella. It's a disease I always wanted to get because it has my maiden name right there in the middle.
I had whooping cough as a kid, even though I HAD been immunized.
How's Ebee doing? One of the kids at camp had a rash this week...hopefully it wasn't something nasty.
Lovely pics. :-)
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