Recent Kid Sayings

Ebee: "Mommy, tan we take Baby Ben* home to ouw house and teep hew fowevew? Pweese? I weawwy love hew. I want hew to tome home wif us and be ouw own baby. Pweese, Aunt [Artistic SIL]? Tan we take Baby Ben home wif us and teep hew?"
*No, my niece is not really named Baby Ben, but that's what Ebee calls her.
M&M (Emerging from the bathroom at MIL's house, which has a well-stocked bookshelf in front of the toilet): "Mom, what should I expect when I'm expecting?"
AJ: "Mom, who's Arthur Unknown? But who IS he? Does anyone even know Arthur Unknown's phone number?"
Labels: easily amused, just life, kid stuff, learning, loved ones, snap happy
M&M made me slap the kitchen counter in amusement!
Such precious pics and wonderful quotes; each one funnier than the last. :) Thanks for sharing the cuteness.
LOL!!! Awwww! That is exploding with cuteness *G*
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