Fun at the Fair

We went to opening day of the fair with Morning again this year. A local store always sponsors free entry and a pancake breakfast with coupons from the store. We skip standing in line for the pancake breakfast, but try to go to the free opening day every year.
DH had planned to take the day off work and go, too. But with his project deadline at hand and several missed work days due to illness this week, he decided to wait.
We had thought AJ would have to stay home after being sick in bed with a fever all day yesterday. But her fever broke last night, and she felt perfectly fine this morning. So, since we would be mainly outdoors anyway, I went ahead and took all three girls. AJ felt fine and was full of energy all day, so it was a good decision I think. We did try not to breathe on or get too close to anyone, and washed hands often. :)
M&M is sick with a tummy ache and diarrhea tonight, and Ebee was complaining of a tummy ache too--which seems like a different virus altogether if it's not just from the fair food. The fair food actually seems to be as likely a culprit, given the sensitive tummies we have here. I was just so thankful not to have to worry about food allergies this year.
Anyway, we did have a wonderful time. It was really great to have Morning along, and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly taking in the fair.

We saw all kinds of creatures, including bees, cats, livestock of all types, rabbits, poultry, and even reptiles. We saw sheep being sheared, cows being bathed, and goats being shown.

The kids especially enjoyed getting to pet some of the critters we saw--including an alligator!

We found our exhibits, and were excited to see the ribbons we had won. AJ and M&M were thrilled that they won third place ribbons this year instead of the "thank you for participating" ribbons they got last year. Ebee got an "excellent" sticker and a note that her picture was "very sweet"--not bad for her very first entry.
AJ's scrap art entry: Bobbi the Alien Warrior:

M&M's painting, "Happy House with Tooth-Shaped Cloud":

Ebee's sketch, "Happy Daddy":

I won second-place ribbons on all four of my photos, and Mom and SisJ got seconds on the photos I helped them enter, too.

I was surprised (and pleased!) to do so well on my first attempt at entering photos in a contest. Most of the categories at our fair are graded on a system of merit, and only a few of the awards (such as "superintendent's choice") are limited in number. So there can be many first, second and third-place ribbons given out in a particular category.
As a last-minute thought, I pulled out the only crocheted project I had completed and kept this year, and entered that. It won a blue ribbon, which was not a surprise after the last few blue-ribbon crocheting experiences, but made me happy. :)

Ebee grew several inches this year and was finally big enough for all the kiddie rides, which was very exciting for her. DH and I bought discount ride tickets in advance, and we had enough for each child to go on two rides. I went along with M&M and Ebee on the little caterpillar roller coaster, which was fun for M&M and me, but not so much for Ebee. She later she said that she enjoyed the roller coaster a little bit and was only a little scared.
Morning took AJ over to ride on the merry-go-round while the rest of us were doing the little roller coaster, so I sent the camera with her:

As a special highlight of the day, we also saw a beautiful little sheltie. She was an assistance dog for a lady in a wheelchair, and her owner let us pet her and told us about the work she does. Even Ebee (who is usually uncertain with dogs) fell in love with the little lass. I hope the shetland sheepdog my SIL rescued is so sweet and gentle, and that we get to take her home from the shelter this week.
Labels: enjoying the ride, snap happy, special occasions
Awww, sounds like a lovely time. Congrats on the ribbons! I've gotten a blue on a chroteched blanket before, too, even though they had it inside out! LOL. Next year I'll have to enter some photos, too.
How's everyone feeling now?
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