Tuesday, January 06, 2009

High Criticism--But I Take it as Praise. :)

I was standing over AJ's desk, talking her through her math in bright cheery tones, trying to get her to do it quickly instead of dragging over it.

"Come on, quick! What's 10 - 6? See how fast you can do it. Great! Now the next column. How fast can you carry the 1 and figure out the tens?"

Suddenly she moaned, "But, Mo-ooom! You're making it sound FUN!" Her tone was one of accusation.

"Is that a problem?"

"Yes! Because I don't LIKE math--you're not supposed to make it seem fun!"

Oh, right, then. I guess I didn't get that memo. ;-)

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Blogger Heather said...

LOL....that's too funny.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Kit Tanner said...

She sounds like my six year old. She's constantly saying things like "but Mom were kids and kids are supposed to get into mischief". She thinks she's got it all figured out =)

Hey good to see you again so much has been happening and I haven't responded to you in so long. Hope all is well with you. I have a blog now they I have acturally put a few post on. You are welcome to visit it. katyah999. Take care and good luck with the schooling =).

10:00 AM  
Blogger CalvaryGirl said...

LOL, that's funny. I went to school and had lunch with Hannah today. Our conversation started about her "hating" homework. We first talked about not using the term "hate". Digging deeper, making a long story short, she doesn't not-like her homework, but JACKSON'S homework because it takes him so long, LOL! That's just too cute to me ;)

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12:19 PM  

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