Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Appointment report . . . no progress

We're back from the midwife appointment. I walked in and the baby came down so hard on my sciatic nerve so hard it literally made made me cry. I had to lean against the wall and then ended up staggering into the exam room. She's been mashing it into oblivion ever since, and it hurts!

The MW checked and I'm still only 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced . . . no progress at all since Monday. The baby's head is engaged though.

I sat there and cried through the whole appointment, LOL. I'm just so tired and in pain and was disappointed to hear there was no progress. She gave me some Benadryl and told me to try to sleep and rest as much as I can.

DH is so sweet . . . he says it's perfectly reasonable to sit there and cry under the circumstances, and I shouldn't be embarrassed. :)

Now we're all going to try to take a nap. I've been having just a few infrequent contractions since a little before noon, so I'm hoping to get some good sleep. I really hope I can sleep tonight.

I feel silly for being so emotional . . . I don't want the baby to come before she's good and ready, and it would be a lot better if I could get well before she comes. I'm trusting that God and the baby know the right timing better than I do. But I was so excited this morning when I thought I was really in labor. And I'm just plain sick and tired.


Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

thanks for the updates! I wish you less pain... and I'm excited for you and your family!

7:02 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

Good luck, Purple Kangaroo! I've been there -- cried in front of midwives and nurses who asked how I was doing. The last two of my babies had me dilated and contracting for several weeks (and I never did manage to go into labor on my own; all were big, overdue babies who never wanted to leave the womb). They never engaged or dropped, though, it's a very encouraging sign that your baby is.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trusting for a good nights rest for you and your baby.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever use ZICAM swabs? Ask your doctor about it since you're pregnant. I wish I had mentioned it earlier. It REALLY helps knock back a cold, especially if you use it at the first sign of trouble. Twice now I have used it when I felt a sore throat coming on and it stopped it instantly. Even when I use it well into the cold, it lessens the symptoms and misery.


1:29 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Sounds like a really up and down day. Thanks for the updates!

Hugs to you and your family.

6:55 AM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

I understand--I really do. Although I was lucky enough to have water breaking, I did help the second baby alone by taking some castor oil--they sympathetic contractions made the baby come out a few hours later. I'm not saying you should do that too, but I am using it to illustrate the point that it is tiring and frustrating at the end--so much so that you begin to try the remedies (walking, spicy food, sex, etc.)

7:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When I was pg with my daughter, she loved sitting right on my sciatic nerve. I literally came close to falling down several times from the pain, so I really feel for you. Not long now though!!!

All the best - and I'm hoping that since you haven't posted today, it means your in labor for real!!

10:08 AM  
Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

Oh, PK, I'm sorry this is drawing out for so long. I was hoping you'd missed Wednesday whining because you were in labor or delighting in your new baby.

Thinking of you, and praying that your daughter comes soon!

10:19 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks so much, each of you. Your comments and sympathy are encouraging.

Phantom, I was so disappointed this morning when I realized I missed out on your Wednesday whine. I think I had a pretty good chance of winning yeterday, too! LOL.

10:51 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Oh, and it wasn't so much the midwife I was embarrassed at crying in front of, as my kids. I'm sure the midwife is used to it--obviously she deals with hormonal pregnant women all day long.

When we walked in there the first thing A said was to the nurse: "My Mommy is sick!"

They walked in expecting the "doctor" to "fix" Mommy and make me all better on the spot.

When I started crying they were going back and forth between me, the midwife and DH:

Doctor, doctor, my mommy is sick. Fix her!

Mommy, are you crying?

Daddy, Mommy is crying!

1:53 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Oh, and I have to say my reply was, "Yes, Mommy is crying, but it's ok. I'm just tired and don't feel good."

Then I just had to add, "But Mommy is crying quietly, see?" (We have a family rule that unless you're really hurt, after a few minutes you either need to cry quietly or go to your room to have a tantrum.)

DH muttered under his breath, "And Mommy can turn anything into a lesson."

I don't think it was a compliment. :)

1:57 PM  

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