Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I didn't really want this much excitement today

Well, the contractions settled down enough for me to briefly drop off to sleep. I was awakened by DH carrying M into our room, crying and holding her arm. Yep, she appears to have subluxated her elbow again--same arm as a few weeks ago. DH took both girls to the urgent care clinic. We decided that it was best if I stay here under the circumstances.

I am coughing a lot now and seem to have lost my voice. Very tired. But still having contractions. This last one was pretty long and a bit painful. I'm going to lie down again and try to time them--I have a midwife appointment in a couple of hours so my parents/sister are standing by to take me to either that or the hospital if I'm needing a driver at that point.

What an interesting day, to say the least.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!!

10:05 AM  

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