Saturday, July 30, 2005


O.M. over at The Columnist Manifesto asked an interesting rhetorical question this morning: "If I refuse to accept Jesus as my Creator, does this mean that I don't exist?"

This got me thinking about an interesting parallel. What if one of my daughters decided that she didn't believe I was her mother? Or that she didn't believe in my existence at all?

It wouldn't change my existence. It wouldn't change the fact that she's my daughter and I'm her mother. But it would have a huge impact on our relationship--specifically the way she related to me.

In essence, many teens make the choice to reject the role and relationship of their parents in their lives. It doesn't impact the reality of the physical, genetic relationship between them, of course. But it can completely change the relationship. For me as a parent, those are frightening waters to think about navigating.

I think it's that way with God. What we think about him doesn't change who he is. It doesn't change whether he exists or not, or what we integrally are as his creation. But when it comes to our relationship with him and the way we live, what we believe changes everything.


Blogger Running2Ks said...

That's the entire position of faith. What we can't prove so-called scientifically is faith. But you know, I even think science is faith.

Have you ever tried to believe in something--and then tried to believe in the opposite? It is a fun experiment to try.

I've done it. Sometimes it has changed my entire way of living. Anyway, interesting blog item.

You are way too lucid for end-stage or pregnancy. I was always mushy-minded at this point :)

3:55 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

I think I know what you mean. Even if you can't agree with something, trying to understand exactly why and what someone else believes can be really helpful.

5:19 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

For my other readers, here's a link to R2K's take-off from this post. Hop on over and take a peek.

5:23 PM  

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