Thursday, December 28, 2006

Year-end Meme

The kids are already in fine form this morning. A spate of holiday late nights out with Daddy does have certain residual effects of the grumpy-whiny variety. Baby E is cutting four molars and four eyeteeth. Fun times!

I put the kids to bed on time last night with DH away, but I don't think just "on time" is going to do the trick. Since the Wonderful Fun Daddy is planning to be gone again tonight and tomorrow evening, I foresee very early bedtimes for the kiddos.

In lieu of a real post, this is an interesting little meme I've seen going around (I think I saw it first at MysteryMommy).

What follows is the first line from the first post of each month for the year 2006.


January: Happy New Year, everyone! We didn't end up going to bed early tonight. Baby E is still up, so we are too. :)

February: Baby E will be 6 months old on Friday. She is a delight to have around. I'm enjoying all three of my kids so much, and I love being a mom.

March: Just a quick note as it's 1:30 a.m. here, but 3:30 a.m. in the time zone we're now used to. We just got home from the airport after 10 days in Mexico. We ended up getting quite sick a few days into the trip (and most of us are still sick), so I didn't do any journaling.

April: A friend called me this evening to tell me about her teenaged sister who is very sick with an influenza virus that's going around this season.

May: Phantom Scribbler has a post up about answering the door to strangers. I probably shouldn't, but in our current neighborhood I feel pretty safe and I often do.

June: Baby E is definitely on the mend today, though still snuffly and coughing.

July: Baby E is still sick with a cough, but it doesn't seem to bother her much.

August: We just got home from several days at a retreat center with DH's family. We're tired, but we had a great time.

September: The past couple of weeks have been mostly uneventful. Lots of little things . . . chiropractor appointments, shopping trips, much meal preparation and housekeeping, a little bird trapped in our van (we did manage to get it out), conversations with the kids, illness, a teething baby . . . that sort of thing.

October: We've had a fabulous weekend.

November: Yesterday we visited the botanical gardens. They were pretty, and the maze made from shrubbery was quite entertaining for the kids. Unfortunately I was feeling worse by the minute, and Baby E didn't seem to be feeling well either.

December: Baby E is squarely in the red today, crying whether I hold her or put her down.

Translation: Baby E didn't sleep much in 2006. We traveled a lot. We had fun. We were sick a lot (even especially while traveling). I worried about other people being sick. I was tired. My children were a delight and a joy to everyone. Baby E and I were sick some more. Baby E cried a lot. I no longer answer the door to strangers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting, though, that few of the first posts of the month are about the day-in-day-out stuff?

Hope you get the early bed-time you want tonight!!!

12:18 PM  

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