Crocheting and other crafty stuff

The girls and I visited a children's boutique in nearby PaperFactory Town today. They had lovely high-end clothing and accessories, but I noticed a distinct lack of crocheted or knitted items. So I asked the owner if she might be interested in seeing some of my crocheting to consider carrying in her store.
She said she would look at them! So I need to get busy and make some new things.
Here are some pictures of previous projects I've enjoyed doing . . . the rest of this post is very image-heavy. :)
Baby and doll sweaters:

A shawl I made:

Another shawl:

Closeups of a few afghans (more afghan pics here, here and here):

Some baby booties:

A funny little bear:

A bigger bear:

It's not crocheting, but in looking for these pictures I came across a couple of photos of projects I woodburned:

I wonder what I should make next?
Labels: creativity, crochet, snap happy
Wow! Best wishes in selling your art; it sounds very exciting.
Beautiful work! Do you design your own patterns? If so, do you ever post them?
Absolutely beautiful! I can't knit or crochet, but now I wish I could! I especially love the shawls.
Lummy! You have been productive.
Wow! I'm very impressed. I've crocheted for years, but you're an order of magnitude better than I'll ever be. Those are really beautiful! I'd buy them!
Yowza! Those are beautiful!
Thanks, Kevin, klee, maddy, jenny, liz. I've only sold things online so far, not through a brick and mortar store.
Heike, I do design a few of my own patterns but haven't posted any yet. I'm just starting to really get into making my own; mostly I've just made alterations to existing patterns.
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