Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sweet Moments

As I was tucking AJ into bed tonight, I talked to her about whether she would want to do a meat rabbit pen for 4-H this year. I explained that she would have to choose a doe, raise a litter, feed and keep records on them carefully, and then sell them at the 4-H auction. We would let her spend a little of whatever money they brought in, but she should put the rest into a savings account.

"You can save it for college, to buy a car, or whatever you decide you want to do when you're older."

Suddenly her whole face lit up, her brown eyes glowing. "Could I save it for a mission trip?"

My heart melted. "Sure. If you wanted to save it for a mission trip someday, you could do that."

She beamed. "Then I'll do that. Maybe that's what God has enlisted me for. To be a missionary someday."

When we prayed, I thanked the Lord for her enthusiasm and her sweet heart that loves God.

She has talked about wanting to be a missionary since she was very young. I wouldn't be surprised if someday she does.

(Addendum to this post here.)

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