Fancy Day 2006

- M&M said this morning, "We're having a fancy day today!" So I thought I'd better post a picture for Annika.
- My mom still isn't getting better. Her most recent labs showed lowered function in her kidney and her liver, among other things. Tests have ruled out E. Coli, but they don't know what's wrong with her. They're going to try to get her in for IV fluids and more testing again today. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
- Sis J is feeling a bit better, but still having some worrisome symptoms. The doctors haven't yet gotten any good leads for her. She's going to be seeing a neurologist and undergoing more testing in the next few weeks.
- We gave Baby E her first dose of omeprazole last night. She hated it. But after taking that and then not nursing right before bed, she slept for 9 hours straight and woke up feeling great.
It is obvious she has reflux--if you pay close attention when holding her you can tell she's frequently urping fluid and then swallowing it again. I really hope this medication will prove effective. - Baby E drank an entire glass of thickened juice/water mixture this morning without choking once. That's quite an amazing accomplishment around here.
- A reader reminded me in an e-mail that I was saying I thought Baby E might be aspirating or having trouble swallowing, and that I was pretty sure she had reflux, from the time when she was just days old.
- I so want to collar those doctors who kept saying things like "some babies just make more mucus than others" and "it's normal for babies to choke a little while they're nursing" and tell them that I was right. They need to learn to listen and take it seriously when a mother knows something is not right with her baby.
- On the other hand, I know that if I had insisted and pushed harder, I would have found a doctor who was at least willing to try reflux medication. I could have saved Baby E over a year of pain if I had been more proactive about it. I'm so sorry, baby girl.
- I'm sicker again today--enough that I called and rescheduled my dental appointment to next week. I didn't want to have fillings done while I'm coughing and miserable. I'll still go to my OB appointment this afternoon, though.
- I haven't heard anything yet about results for the various blood tests my doctor ran last week to check for autoimmune disorders and other things. We haven't heard back on Baby E's blood tests yet, either.
- My shoulder is feeling much better. I still have to be careful what I try to lift with that arm, but it's stronger and much less painful now. Whatever the chiropractor did at my last visit must have helped.
Annika wholeheartedly approves of the Fancy Day celebration! Special commendation for the Fancy Tights. We are big fans of having fun legs around here.
And, I hope that you won't blame yourself too long about the amount of time it has taken to get the reflux med's. I would tell you *not* to blame yourself, since it is clearly not your fault and you worked very hard on your baby's behalf, but I know there is no avoiding the self-blame in matters like these. But I do hope it is short-lived.
What Moreena said about the meds. Considering the fact that you've had to fight your way through dragonish doctors to get even confirmation of a few of Baby E's allergies, I think you should give yourself a break.
Is there an age-limit on Fancy Days or can anyone have them? If so, I'll get my Best and Well Beloved to put on his wedding waistcoat and post that.
Regards - Shinga
Thanks, Moreena and Liz.
Shinga, I don't think there's an age limit. Just be sure to send Annika a link to the picture!
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