Friday, February 02, 2007

Strange, strange

I'm having pretty severe dizzy spells and almost passed out a couple of times tonight, and now a sporadic sharp pain in the center of my chest (just barely to the right, between my ribs) and right shoulder blade.

It's severe enough to be bothersome, but not really debilitating.


Has anyone ever had symptoms like this before? Any idea what it could be? I thought it was just because I hadn't eaten for a while (since early afternoon, although I had breakfast and a big lunch), but eating dinner didn't seem to help much.

I suppose it's possible it could be allergy-related, but I have no idea to what. I'm quite itchy because of trialing small amounts of yogurt/cream earlier this week (to try to figure out my tolerance level . . . which is definitely less than 3 small servings in 2 weeks!), but haven't had any dairy products today.

But now I have a slight shortness of breath, headache, feeling like my eyes are crossed, lump in the throat feeling and my cheeks feel hot and the roof of my mouth and my tongue feels slightly tingly and like I burned it, although the soup wasn't very hot when I ate it.

I did have some chocolate earlier today, which gives me stomach issues in large quantities. But that was this afternoon. Tried the Yummy Earth lollipops for the first time at lunch.

Dinner was soup with homemade simple chicken stock, celery, millet, garlic, rosemary from my garden, dried thyme, acorn squash, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and RealSalt--all of which I've eaten many times before. If I was reacting to any of those it would have had to have been from washing & cutting them up, or the fumes from cooking it. I started getting the dizzy spells about halfway through cooking dinner. I did notice my fingers felt a bit odd earlier, too . . . sort of like they were a tiny bit swollen. Now my thumb is tingling and one eye is itching, but who knows if that's related to anything or not.

This is so very strange.

Maybe it's just because I haven't had much water to drink all day, combined with reflux acting up? We could hope? Or, it could be a migraine. I haven't had a bad one in years, but now that I think about it some of the symptoms could be that.

Off to drink some water now . . .

Purple_Kangaroo, allergic to coconut, avocado, milk, blackberry leaves, latex, many environmentals (mold, dust mites, pollen, cats, etc.) and most antibiotics
. . . Mom to 3 girls, including Baby E who is allergic to corn, soy, oats, kidney beans, apples, banana, mushrooms, mold and ???

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Blogger Liz Miller said...

PK, please call a doctor you trust right now and describe your symptoms.

I had similar symptoms back in '05 and it turned out it was a reaction to the decongestant in Claritin D, but my doctor scolded me for not going to the ER, since it resembled a heart attack.

It's most likely nothing or dehydration or something easily laughed away, but please call a doctor right away.

And I'm sorry to be a scare monger.

8:59 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

So cold, shaking but sweating, 97.5. Nausea & stomach cramps, runny nose, a bit of confusion, numb hands, feel like bursting into tears. Pretty sure it's allergy.

Called the dr. and now waiting for my sister to come take me to urgent care so DH can stay with sleeping kids.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

I've had similar reactions to cleaning supply fumes, and have had minor pain near my heart that was never explained, but this sound slonger-lasting and more severe. I'm glad you're heading into the doctor--better to be safe than sorry.

Dad should be there to watch the girls by now. I didn't figure you wanted me to come, since I'm still recovering from the flu and that's the last thing you need right now. ;-)

Love you!

10:04 PM  

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