Friday, October 05, 2007

AWANA Observations

This week was parents' night at AWANA. DH, Baby E and I all joined AJ and M&M for the evening.


M&M seems to be enthusiastic about AWANA when she talks about it, but when she's actually there she seems a bit overwhelmed by all the noise and activity. Her leader said that she's been like this every week so far. She refuses to take part in the games, doesn't join in the singing or action rhymes, and is reluctant to try to say her verses. She enjoys coloring and watching the other activities, though.

I knew that she knew her verse this week, but watched her struggle and get hung up trying to say it to the teacher. The more flustered she got the more she struggled. The leader sent her over to me and I practiced it with her for a while as she twisted herself into a pretzel and fidgeted so hard she was almost falling out of her chair. Still, she didn't really want to say it and struggled with it. She wanted to go color again, so I suggested that she try to say the verse while coloring.

Suddenly, she said it smoothly and easily. No wonder school has been so much better since I started letting the kids color while listening to and discussing the things I read to them. Apparently I have a strong kinetic learner in this one. :)

I asked the leader to let M&M color while she said her verse, and she did. She passed it just fine.

I'm not too terribly worried about M&M's lack of participation at this point. She is easily overwhelmed by situations with lots of noise and activity going on in different places all at once. She also dislikes being pushed to do organized activities or play complicated physical games.

Usually she stands back and observes for what seems like forever, but once she feels comfortable she joins in and is often one of the most enthusiastic participants there. That's what she did with Kindermusic and VBS, anyway. She's already interacting quite well for the most part in her Kindergarten class at the homeschool co-op.

AJ, on the other hand, seems to immediately come alive in this type of setting. She seems to love the structure and guidance, and the fact that everyone is doing the same things at the same time.

AJ is especially good at memorizing things and enjoys reciting her verses. Last week she passed 4 verses--one of which we had studied at home, and the other three which she learned on the spot at the AWANA meeting.

It will be interesting to see how Baby E responds to various situations. All three of my kids are so different from each other. Life is never boring; that's for sure.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are Action Rhymes where you have to use hand motions to act out the poem/song or clap along to the beat? I hated doing those as a kid. If my arms ever had to leave my side, I felt like the whole world was going to crumble around me. --Kathy J.

8:37 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Kathy, yes, that type of thing. M&M seems to enjoy songs with motions to them sometimes, but other times she won't do them. Thanks for sharing your experience; that gives me some possible insight.

4:28 PM  

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