Monday Memories: Dandelions
Did I ever tell you about DANDELIONS? | |
![]() I've always liked dandelions. I know, I know . . . they're weeds and all. But I think they're pretty. The bright yellow color and white puffs brighten the scenery and provide lots of fun for kids, not to mention being a valuable potential source of food and dye. #################### [Read More] My girls had so much fun picking dandelions today. Watching them brought back memories for me. My sisters and I used to pick great handfuls of the yellow flowers and proudly carry them to Mom. I was her oldest child, so was of course the first to discover the bounty. When I toddled in to present her with one of the prized yellow blossoms, Mom said, "Oh thank you!" A few minutes later she surreptitiously (so she thought) dropped the bedraggled bloom into the garbage. The heartbroken howls of a disillusioned preschooler quickly brought her up short. My mom tells the story, but I don't remember it. What I do remember is Mom's seeming delight in every broken flower and leaf we brought her. She'd put aside whatever she was doing to admire the bouquet and find an appropriate vase or jar for it. Those sorry little clumps of nearly stemless weeds would be proudly displayed on the table for all to see. She was just as willing to drop everything to come outside and admire a snake or frog we'd found, or stare up at a nest of birds. Even if it was a creature she found distinctly unappealing, my mother did an amazing job of fostering our wonder and building it into a love of learning. Mom would help us find a container to keep a creature for observation, then encourage us to let it go. She showed us how to go to the encyclopedia and library to find out more about our wild friends and learn how to care for them and create the right environment for them in the wild. She bought field guides and detailed coloring books for us, and incorporated the plants and animals that interested us into our lessons. My mother instilled in us a desire to constantly observe and learn about our world. By her own enthusiasm she taught us to never lose our wonder and excitement in the seemingly inconsequential things around us. I hope I can do as well for my children. This week I've been researching the library's offerings on the topics of worms and trees, and putting together a list of books to check out soon. Meanwhile, there's a big bouquet of dandelions on the kitchen table to welcome DH home. | |
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Awwww...I'm in purple puddles already. Your mom really seems to like you too? Sounds like the apple didn't fall very far from the tree. Are these your kids...what cuties. I've had many Yellow flower boquets from my kids too. My MM is up.
What a great memory. I hope my girls have similar memories. My MM is up.
A great memory and a beautiful picture!
I remember that. :-)
I have my Monday Memory up, though it doesn't look quite the same as yours...
Awwww....PK, that is too sweet. My LMNOB just thinks dandelions are the best - and if they grew as big here as those are in your pictures, she'd love them even more! My land, those are huge!
Thanks for the comments and memory-sharing, everyone.
I have the memories linked for everyone who's posted so far. CCW, if you post a memory let me know and I'll link you, too.
Lazy Daisy, yes, those are my girls. And my mom LOVES her kids. :)
Beckie, I hope my kids have great memories like I do, too.
Thanks, CCW
Shelli, we keep them until they start dying, too. :)
Amy, yours looks just right. I customized the template to match dandelions for mine.
Mommyham, we get nice big dandelions here. I guess they like the climate and the soil here.
Rowan, was your objection to the pesticides, or to losing the dandelions? DH wants to spray something on the lawn to get rid of weeds and moss, but I don't think I want him to. We do have more moss and weeds than grass in the back yard, though.
I adore dandelions! I did MM for the first time today!
That's such a sweet story! You really did grow up with a pretty special mom, didn't you?
My MM is up!
Although they are considered weeds, I love to see them and think they are beautiful. Thanks for a lovely lesson and memory.
My MM is up.
my oldest is very allergic to dandelions -- it used to break her heart to have me throw them out after she;d pick me a bouquet - but it was that or she'd become a walking commerical for children;s benedryl
my mm is up
OK, all the links are up until this point. Thanks for participating, everyone!
Libragirl, I couldn't get the link to your blog to work through your profile. Do you have one?
I thought of this post and you tonight while running. I was listening to my fave Christian rock (ok the ONLY Christian rock station here) station, and Toby Mac's "Diverse City" came on.
"So put your hand in the hand of mine..And we'll spread this love like dandelions" Talking about the Love of Christ of course. :)
Rowan, that makes sense. I think I've finally convinced DH to let me try a lawn of mixed greens, LOL.
Mommyham, that sounds like a great song. I don't think I've heard that one yet.
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