One Hamster In Need of Good Home
- For two reasons, primarily.
- First, all commercial hamster food seems to contain corn. I really don't like having the corn in the house, given Baby E's level of sensitivity.
I did attempt to put poor Puff on a corn-free diet of things like birdseed, mixed grains, beans, and some fresh fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately it must have been missing some essential ingredient or nutrient. Her fur started falling out and I noticed she was losing weight. I of course felt terrible and went out and bought hamster food (two kinds), hamster treats, and hamster vitamins.
Her hair seems to be growing back in now, she is getting rotund once again, and seems to have more energy. I'm glad she's better, but I really don't like having crumbly corny things in the house. I can't even let the girls feed her because I'm so worried about a crumb ending up in the carpet where Baby E can get it. - Secondly, Puff triggers my allergies. Or her cage does, anyway. She's a very tidy hamster who always uses one corner of the cage for a potty. But, still, within a day or two of cleaning out the cage, it seems to start bothering my allergies.
Those mold and dust mite allergies are just really making me miserable lately, with the added pollen allergens in the air. I'm having to change the bedding constantly--some parts daily, just to try to keep the allergen levels down. I'm even reacting to my own husband if it's been more than an hour or two since he last showered. Coughing and sneezing fits combined with stuffy nose and itchy eyes are so romantic. Ugh.
I'll hate to see Puff go. She is such a sweetheart--gentle, quiet, entertaining. She can tend to be a bit shy, but she has never bitten anyone. When we first got her she frantically tried to run away and hide, but now she doesn't seem to much mind being picked up and petted. She will eat treats out of our hands and climb around on us.
I was rather hoping we could find her a good home with someone we know, so we could visit her occasionally. But nobody we've asked so far wants a hamster, even a very sweet one.
I keep trying to figure out some way we can make it work to keep her. But, sadly, it seems it would be better for all parties if we could find her a good new home. If any of my readers in the area (Great Pacific NorthWET, USA) are interested, drop me a note.
Labels: allergies and adverse reactions, creatures